When looking back, I feel that I have grown more as a media student. You can really see the differences in the quality of the filming, editing and mise-en-scene.
In the preliminary task:
- Editing-hasn't changed drastically but some of the transitions we used in the preliminary task weren't necessary or accurate to use.
- Filming- small amount of variation of angles and techniques:

- Close up of 'target' Long shot from top of stairs
- Medium Long shot Birds eye view/high angle of the match on action
- Mise-en-scene-this aspect deffinately improved. In the preliminary task, none of us had appropriate outfits for our sinister characters and roles. This meant that the darker aspects of it wouldn't be transmitted professionally through and our concept was ruined slightly by this. We did, however, think quite in depth about the setting and we picked the darkest, most secluded section of the school and filmed there. It seemed like a dingey alleyway/stairway which gives off the sinister air we were aiming for. The picture of the 'target' was also taken and printed in a rush so we had to make do with what we had.
- Sound-there is slight disturbance in the background as it was a school day.

Dingey alley- mysterious, sinister Slogan t-shirt-doesn't match character profiling,
connotations. light hoody doesn't make it look sinister enough
Click here for the Preliminary task
Opening Sequence:
- Camera-We put in more of a variation of shots- tracking; mid, close up, long shots; pans etc which we didnt apply to our first works.
- I also brought along pale makeup to give the impression of pale skin as a result of lack of sun and nutrition. This makeup was also used to give red eyes, so as to give the impression of sensitive, wild eyes, unused to the sun. It was also used to reveal the concept of them being 'mutants' to the audience without saying it, and to reveal the possibility of drugs testing.
- Other makeup was used to create cuts on mutant 2's leg, which although barely noticable in the opening sequence, would be shown to prove that they have been struggling living in the wild as well as bringing their humanity to the surface-they don't seem as invincible as before. Click here to see my mise-en-scene blog post, showing experimentaion and creation of the fake cuts.