Thursday, 1 April 2010

What have you learnt about technology from the process of onstructing this product?

I-movie is a programme used for editing film. With it, you can rearrange clips, add titles, add transitions, alter colours, levels and hues of the shots as well as adding sound and effects.

We used I-Movie to edit our opening sequence. Here, I have edited some of the first section of the sequence in order to show just a small section of what I have learnt on I-movie in comparison to my complete lack of experience and knowledge on it before.

The first edit i did would not load onto YouTube.

[Click here for the YouTube link]-I recommend watching with high volume.

This change in music was used to add tension and suspense. The low hum, and slight change is constant, much like their movement. In the last part, just as he gets closer, the music gets louder and intense so as to show the danger approaching. The sound is reminiscent of the low, for boding music in Jaws.

[Click here for YouTube link.]

This scene had the music altered to a louder, more repetitive acoustic guitar sound. The intended effect was to add more tension to the clip as the sound only starts when the mutant appears to show that there is some meaning behind his presence. Also, it's continuous, cyclic nature is almost annoying as it feels like it should change soon, which is much like the nature of this scene with the girl skipping for a long time and the mutant is following, but not doing anything to her, though you know he will.

[Click link to watch YouTube clip]

For this, I decided to change the colour of the mutants point of view to deep red, so as to show his animalistic, vicious, blood-thirsty nature.

To conclude, digital editing helps to add, and accentuate, the emotion and connotations within the shots. The varied camera shots and editing with colour and sound hint at future events, atmosphere and add even more tension than the film produces on its own.
By doing these testers on IMovie, I really learnt how digital editing creates even deeper meanings and adds to complex plot lines. Without digital editing, most films, including our opening sequence, would be much less effective and so it is highly important to have the knowledge and skills to be able to edit digitally for work in a media career.

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